Achieve JavaScript mastery with this 30-day structured learning plan. Cover essential programming topics, including variables, loops, DOM manipulation, and API integration. Perfect for beginners and aspiring developers, this plan combines hands-on exercises, mini-projects, and expert tips to fast-track your JavaScript skills.
whole JavaScript is divided in 3-4 parts they are: →
1> JavaScript foundation
a> var,const,datatypes
b> operation
c> primitives
d> non-primitive
e>conditional (if else truthy falsy)
f> array and method
g> loops(do-while,while,for and all fxn in js )
h>function and ()=> [arrow function ] this and context in js
j>high order fxn and nested fxn
2> JavaScript OOPs
a>all about "prototype"
b>functional constructor and errors
c>classes and object and inheritance in OPP
d> encapsulation, polymorphism , Abstraction ,getter ,setter
3> JavaScript DOM-BOM
a> DOM and 10 mini projects
4> JavaScript Adv(async)
a> async with event loop
b> closure
c> promise and promise chain
d> prototypal inheritance in js
e> this and binding
f> Async-Await
g> iterator and generators
i> Es6 modules
5> JavaScript project (5) :→
a>todo with local storage
b>api handling
c>ecommerce-project (basic calculation)
d>expense tracker ( local storage and event delegation)
e> quiz application